Not all brokers are willing to accept trucking companies with a new MC authority number. You will find what that means for your business and get resources to help you understand which loads you can apply for based on your MC authority age.
How to Find Broker List in App
From your homepage click on the Cheat Sheets button.
From here you will click on the Brokers List button.
How Authority Ages Differ
Authority age is based on when you receive your operating authority, also known as your MC number. When you have a new authority your load options will be limited due to the fact that certain brokers have requirements and restrictions based on how new the authority is.
Requirements From Brokers
Brokers normally like to work with established authorities to minimize their risk to fraud, but that is not always the case. Companies such as CH Robinson, Knight/Swift, and DSV are willing to work with new authorities. While others will want to see at least 30 days or more before they will work with you. Although only a few, some brokers have more stringent requirements and require 180 days.
Authority Age Resource
At TrueNorth we’ve taken the time and effort to assist you in determining who will be easiest to work with depending on your age. Take a look at our New Authority resource to see the brokers who are willing to work new authorities from 0-180 days.