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Booked Section
Written by TrueNorth Support
Updated over 2 months ago

When you navigate to your Booked page, you will have the option to view 3 different tabs. In this article we will go over the Load tabs and what you can find in each.

All Loads

Once you click on your Loads page you will see all your loads but can also filter with the tabs at the top.


In this section you will see a list of loads that have been booked and are you are currently under or not completed. If you are seeing multiple loads in this section then you will need to submit your POD to have them marked complete.


In this section you will see loads that have been completed (i.e. POD submitted). From here, you can re-upload your RateCon or POD if needed and you can submit or resubmit your paperwork to your factoring company.

You will also see which loads are Ready to Factor and loads that are Awaiting Payment (i.e. already sent to factoring).

You must click on the "Send RC and POD" to submit your documents to your factoring company.

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